Mission House Denver is a residential household community for young Catholic men desiring to be leaders in the Faith who are willing to commit to living a lifestyle of apostolic mission & formation.
Through commitment to prayer, intentional community, and missionary discipleship, Mission House Denver exists to build up Catholic men to courageously live out the Universal calls to HOLINESS & MISSION in their everyday lives.
In this context of belonging rooted in Christ, we seek to build a culture of invitation to bring others into a life of fullness and abundance in Christ & foster within men a spirit of self-gift.
Building up the future by living into the present.
Whether we are called to Marriage, Priesthood, or Religious Life, we are all called to holiness and mission - not later, but NOW.
Join our Mission Support Team
We can’t do it on our own. Mission House Denver exists as a nonprofit organization and fundraises to cover our operational and formation program costs in order to remove any barrier to entry for living a life committed to Christ in the way we do.
Consider becoming a Mission Partner today!