Verso l’Alto!

Inspired by the life of heroic virtue exemplified by Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati, The Frassati Project is the Apostolic outreach program facilitated by the members of Mission House Denver.

In this Apostolic age, we believe that the best approach to community building and evangelization includes relational discipleship and intentional accompaniment. This means that we don’t just want to give people information or catechesis, we don’t want to just have surface level friendships - we want to build deep, authentic relationships that lead us to Christ. The Frassati Project brings this mindset into everything we do.

What does The Frassati Project Do?

Young Adults Community-Building Events

The Frassati Project facilitates events for young adults such as "Lord’s Day” potlucks, book club, and West Denver 2:42 gatherings. These are events for young adults to build authentic friendships, to grow in faith, and to truly share life with one another.

Youth Ministry Partnerships

The youth of the current generation are under attack like never before. The Frassati Project places members as volunteers with youth group programs in the Archdiocese of Denver to mentor the youth and walk with them in the faith. Children desperately need a joyful and courageous witness to our faith from dynamic and engaging young people who are living a fulfilling and adventurous life AND are deeply in love with Christ and His Church! Youth ministry programs often have difficulty with finding committed and engaged volunteers, and The Frassati Project forms its members to step up and stand in the gap.

Outreach Ministry to the Poor

Christ expressly told His followers to serve Him in “the least of these”. In order to truly love our brethren and live out of our own poverty and identity of beggars before Christ, members of The Frassati Project regularly volunteer with organizations such as Christ in the City.

Get Involved

If you’d like to attend any of our young adults events or serve with us, please reach out via our contact page!

Are you interested in becoming a full-time Missionary with The Frassati Project??

Beginning August 2026, The Frassati Project will include a full-time Missionary Formation Program for young Catholic men ages 18 to 26.

Frassati Project Missionaries will serve in partnership with Archdiocese of Denver parish youth ministry programs, while living in community and intentional accompaniment with other young men at Mission House Denver and participating in an intellectual and spiritual formation program in collaboration with other Catholic mission organizations in Colorado!

Participants in the Frassati Project will have structured daily prayer time, weekly community formation, monthly spiritual direction, mentorship from leaders in the Archdiocese of Denver, and more!

The Frassati Project Missionary Program is set to launch in the Fall of 2026 - if you’re interested in joining the program and living in residence at the Frassati Project, please reach out via our contact page!

Support The Frassati Project

Want to know how you can help? We are currently looking for more parish partners and accepting missionary applications - please help spread the word! If you think your parish would be interested in partnering with us, please send the link to this webpage to your Pastor, Director of Evangelization, or Youth Minister.

We also need donations of household items and furniture in good condition such as couches, chairs, desks, and kitchenware and appliances. Please contact us via the link above if you have items in good condition that you’d like to donate!

Lastly but certainly not least, we need financial support. Annual formation and living costs for each individual Frassati Project missionary total over $30,000! We humbly ask that you prayerfully consider a one-time or monthly tax-deductible contribution.

Your contribution could help to sponsor:

  • $120 or $10/month: Breviary and Formation Books/Materials for 1 participant

  • $300 or $25/month: Quarterly Formation Retreat Cost (lodging, meals, & transportation) for 1 Participant

  • $500 or $40/month: One Formation Night meal per month

  • $900 or $75/month: One Monthly Lord’s Day Feast (a monthly potluck hosted by the participants of the Frassati Project for purposes of evangelization and community building)

  • $2000 or $165/month: All Formation Program Costs for 1 Participant

Whether you are able to contribute $1 or $1000, your donation will be helping to build up young Catholic men to become and to build up the next generation of:

  • Faithful Catholic leaders

  • Missionary Disciples of Christ

  • Holy and virtuous Priests, Religious, and Husbands & Fathers

Your contribution will help to build up these young men to go out to the world bearing the light of Christ, and will have an exponential and lasting effect on our society and the Church!

Your Tax-Deductible donations can be made online via our support page with the link below, or checks can be mailed to:

The Frassati Project c/o Mission House Denver
735 Devinney Ct.
Golden, CO 80401

Please make out checks to Mission House Denver and write Frassati Project in the memo line.

Thank you so much for your prayerful consideration of supporting our mission!