Our Mission, Core Values, & FAQ
Giving Catholic men a context of belonging, building a culture of invitation and authentic Catholic masculinity.
Our Mission
Mission House Denver exists to build up Catholic men to courageously live out the Universal calls to Holiness and Mission.
Core Values
Mission House Denver provides for the formation and spiritual growth of the members of our household community, and serves the needs of our local community and the Universal Church. We will seek these ends by living a life of Commitment to Prayer, Intentional Community, and Missionary Discipleship.
“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” (Acts 2:42)
At Mission House Denver, we aim to grow in relationship with Christ and live out our current state of life in the fraternity, accountability, structure, and formation offered by common life so as to build a solid foundation from which we can enter into whatever Vocation we are called.
Frequently Asked Questions
“Is this a religious order? Are the men who live at Mission House Denver monks, or do they take any kind of vows?”
Mission House Denver is not a religious order, and we don’t take any vows. We are simply a community of lay men committed to being built up in human, spiritual, and intellectual formation during this time of life so that as we move forward into whatever vocations we are called, we will have a foundation rooted in Christ to live out Commitment to Prayer, Intentional Community, and Missionary Discipleship in our everyday lives in whatever God calls us to.
“What does the formation program include? What is it for?”
Our formation program includes weekly formation meetings in which we have catechesis and discussions surrounding our core values, spiritual reading books, Church documents, and Holy Scripture. The formation program also includes 4 quarterly retreats. The goal of the formation program is to foster in Human, Spiritual, and Intellectual and Apostolic growth.
“Is there a dating fast or do the men at Mission House Denver have to be discerning Priesthood or Religious Life?”
The men at Mission House Denver are not bound to any type of dating fast, nor do they have to be formally discerning any particular Vocation. It is our belief that by committing to our lifestyle, they will naturally be disposed to following the promptings of the Holy Spirit to whichever Vocation they are called, and that they will be free to move towards it with an open heart.
“Do the men at Mission House Denver live there for free?”
The men living at MHD pay for their own cost of living (rent, utilities, groceries, bills, etc.) - Mission House Denver fundraises the costs of our formation program and organizational costs such as staff salaries and outreach & community building expenses.
“Are women allowed at the house?”
Yes, women are allowed at the house - all guests are welcome! However, no female guests are permitted to stay in the house overnight.
“Who is allowed to live at Mission House Denver?”
Mission House Denver is open to any unmarried young adult men (18-30 years old) who are actively living out & growing in their Catholic faith and are committed to living out the precepts of the Catholic Church (CCC 2041-2043). Men are allowed to participate in our program and live in our household for up to two years.